Celebrity Hot and Sexy Pictures: Jennifer Hromadka,Jennifer Hromadka Raymond Clark

Jennifer Hromadka,Jennifer Hromadka Raymond Clark

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Jennifer Hromadka Wedding, 23-year-old Jennifer Hromadka is Ray Clark’s girlfriend. Ray Clark also known as Raymond Clark is the suspected murderer of Annie Marie Le. The couple, Jennifer Hromadka and Ray Clark are engaged to get married.

Ray Clark is most famous among family members and friends as ‘Ray Ray.’ He is already proved as a cheater, as he suffered defensive wounds on the chest that reveal he might have fought someone. And disappeared from his apartment right after the murder. However, ‘unrequited love’ is reportedly the reason behind the murder of Annie Le.

Ray Clark and Jennifer Hromadka had a MySpace profile page using their identity as ‘Ray and Jen.’ It is believed that the couple also lived together in an apartment, the apartment that is under surveillance at present.

According to New York Post, the family members have already confirmed that the person of interest in Annie Le’s murder is Ray Clark.

Here is a MySpace photo of the couple, Ray Clark and Jennifer Hromadka.

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