Celebrity Hot and Sexy Pictures: Joshua Bernard Photo

Joshua Bernard Photo

Joshua bernard, joshua bernard death photo, joshua bernard ap photo, joshua bernard marine, associated press, lance cpl. joshua m. bernard, associated press, lance cpl. joshua m. bernard picture, lance cpl. joshua m. bernard death photo, lance cpl. joshua m. bernard ap

Joshua Bernard Photo
, The AP Photo of dying marine, Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Bernard, has stirred a lot of controversy. Many disagree with AP publication of the Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard death photo because it crossed some boundaries that even Defense Secretary Robert Gates has harshly criticized it. The father of the fallen soldier has appealed to AP that the image be removed but AP thinks that it is their duty to “conveys the grimness of war and the sacrifice of young men and women fighting it.” But the grimness of war can be conveyed in many different ways without adding pain to the families of fallen soldiers.
Joshua Bernard Photo And Video

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