Celebrity Hot and Sexy Pictures: Maia Campbell Arrested

Maia Campbell Arrested

Maia Campbell Arrested, we showed you the Youtube video of Maia Campbell, daughter of former famed author Bebe Campbell and star of In The House, presumably prostituting herself in California. We didn’t want to belive she was doing that.. THEN….

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Maia Campbell Arrested, We just found out she was arrested yesterday for Prostitution. Damn!! Somebody please help that girl. She has 3 kids and needs to be off the street. She has Talent, just check out some of re-runs of the tv show “In The House”. I wonder did LL Cool J get some of that?

This is Her arrest record so far:

In April 2001 she was charged for driving without a license and damaging property.

In August 2001 she was charged for driving with a suspended license and reckless driving.

In December 2004 she was charged AGAIN for driving with a suspended license and marijuana was found in the vehicle.

In August 2006 she was charged for driving without the vehicle owners consent and driving with suspended license.

In December 2008 she was charged for burglary; purchasing known stole property.

In April 2009 she was charge for petty theft.

In August 2009 she was charged with Prositution.

Maia Campbell Video

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