Survivor Heroes Vs Villains Cast, Survivor Winner, Back in August I wrote an article summing up all of the known spoilers and speculation about who will be on Survivor 20. There was some uncertainty about some spots, but the spoiler community seems to have nailed it all down. And now, online Survivor freaks like me know which notable and notorious castaways will be back and who they will be playing with. There are some serious surprises and quite possibly some wicked personality clashes.
Survivor Heroes Vs Villains Cast, Survivor Winner
Read on to find out who is on the Heroes tribe and who will be playing for the Villains. Don’t click if you don’t want to know.
Rupert Boneham, James “J.T.” Thomas, Tom Westman, Colby Donaldson, James Clement, Stephenie LaGrossa, Amanda Kimmel, Jessica ‘Sugar’ Kiper, Cirie Fields and Candice Woodcock
What an interesting group. This tribe is all about the men. You’ve definitely got more male bravado than you can shake a stick at. Tom, Colby, J.T., James and Rupert all dominated in the physical challenges. They all like to be providers. And, they’re all insanely competitive. The girls on this tribe could have it easy when it comes to having a bunch of butch hunter/gatherers providing food. Amanda, Stephenie and Candice will be able to hold their own in challenges and hopefully fend off a power play from the boys. Because you know those guys won’t take well to an emotionally needy play like Sugar or a smart social player like Cirie. I’m worried for Cirie. Her reputation as a brilliant strategist could put her in early trouble among a group of physical dynamos.
It will be interesting to see how long guys like Tom, Colby and J.T. can work together… if at all. Throw Stephenie in the mix and there could be trouble. They all played alpha male/female before, but there can only be one alpha.
Survivor Heroes Vs Villains Cast, Survivor Winner
Now for… The Villains
Jerri Manthey, Parvati Shallow, Sandra Diaz-Twine, Courtney Yates, Danielle DiLorenzo, Rob “Boston Rob” Mariano, Randy Bailey, Tyson Apostol, Ben “Coach” Wade and Russell Hantz
Where to start with this group? Holy shit! First of all, what the hell is Sandra doing on the Villains tribe? Is it because she beat America’s Sweetheart Rupert in Pearl Islands? With all the massive characters in this tribe she could once again take the under the radar strategy all the way to the title! Then there are Jerry, Randy and Courtney… three of the bitchiest and grumpiest people ever to play the game. How will they get along with each other or anyone else! How will Boston Rob, Parvati and Russell view each other? All three have shown they can be in complete control of the game and their alliances. Danielle is a total wild card in this. She would be smart to stick to Sandra and lay low. Two people that won’t lay low are Coach and Tyson. Both of them are crazy and both of them make a natural alliance. Those two things could make them early targets for smart players like Russell, Rob, Parvati and Sandra.
So far, I’m giving the competitive physical challenge edge to the Heroes. But the social scheming smarts of the Villains could prove unstoppable if they get numbers at the merge.
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