The Bachelor Tenley Pregnant, Could there possibly be another "Bachelor" bomb in the works?
In a new promo on ABC's website, contestant Tenley Molzahn appears to sit down with "Bachelor" Jake Pavelka for some one-on-one time and then confess that she's pregnant.
Color us skeptical.
The promo cuts SO quickly to the "I'm pregnant" line and SO quickly away that it almost seems as though they cut it from the middle of a sentence, i.e. "I wanted to tell him 'I'm pregnant'" or "I couldn't tell my parents 'I'm pregnant.'" There's also then a quick cut to Tenley sniffling, like she's making some big confession.
We would bet dollars to donuts that that's what it turns out to be. The video is not embeddable, but go check it out for yourself and tell us what you think. But we'd just like to point out that "The Bachelor" franchise in particular is Read The Bachelor Tenley Pregnant
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