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  • Gunman shoots cop, then kills self in Bx.

    A young cop was seriously wounded yesterday during a blazing gun battle in a Bronx housing project dubbed "Vietnam" by residents. Police Officer Robert Salerno, 25, was shot three times at close range when he confronted Santiago Urena, 57, a... 6:11 AM

  • Judge weathers storm

    Judge weathers storm

    His Google defense was all wet. An appeals court tossed water on a bank robber's bid for freedom -- rejecting his claim that the judge who sentenced him shouldn't have researched a key piece of evidence, a yellow rain hat, on the Internet.... 4:13 AM

  • TV 'Wife Swap' kid sues show for $100M

    TV 'Wife Swap' kid sues show for $100M

    A teen ex-beauty queen is suing Disney and the TV show "Wife Swap" for $100 million -- charging that they intentionally ruined her life by making her look like a spoiled brat, exposing her to "ridicule, mockery and derision." "For their own... 3:27 AM

  • Smith a porky pig

    Smith a porky pig

    ALBANY -- Sen. Malcolm Smith is the Prince of Pork. The Queens Democrat pigged out on $5.7 million in grants last year -- more than any other state legislator and $4.4 million higher than the average state senator, according to a report by a... 6:11 AM

  • 'Princess': Jeweler's con king

    'Princess': Jeweler's con king

    The pretend princess should have used some commoner sense. Antoinette Millard, who posed as Saudi royalty for an insurance scam, took the witness stand in Manhat tan civil court yesterday, and complained that she'd been duped into overpaying for... 6:11 AM

  • $420M for 'bribery' school-bus firms

    Nearly a dozen yellow-school-bus companies that were implicated in a federal pay-to-play bribery scheme were cleared to rake in more than $420 million... 3:27 AM

  • Strip-searched prisoners take $33M off city

    Two women who said they were forced to undergo gynecological exams and thousands of other people who said they were strip-searched in New York jails... 3:27 AM

  • 2 charged in '78 NJ teen murders

    NEWARK -- Two men have been charged with the murders of five teenage boys who were last seen together on a busy street more than 30 years ago. The... 2:55 AM

  • 2nd Ave. Subway dig sends tenants packin'

    Stand clear of the closing apartment doors! Residents in another 28 apartments along the Second Avenue Subway's path are being tossed out -- at... 6:13 AM

  • NY is newest Madoff victim

    NY is newest Madoff victim

    Jailed Ponzi king Bernie Madoff, who ripped off billions of dollars from investors, can count the state's taxman among those looking to get a piece of his assets. Madoff has joined the ranks of New York's 250 top tax deadbeats this month with an... 3:27 AM

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