Celebrity Hot and Sexy Pictures: Timothy Treadwell death video

Timothy Treadwell death video

Timothy Treadwell, a wildlife activist, spent 13 summers living with bears in Alaska. Traedwell was found dead and partly consumed at his campsite in Katmai National Park in autumn 2003. Amie Huguenard, Treadwell’s girlfriend, was also found dead.

Treadwell was a reformed drug addict. When Treadwell lived among grizzly bears, he treated them like pets. Treadwell though he was accepted as one of them. Katmai Park Rangers killed the male bear thought responsible for Treadwell’s death. The adult male was 1000 pounds (450 kg) A younger bear was also shot dead when it showed aggressive behavior.

The Timothy Treadwell death video is elusive. There are many fakes from posters who capitalize on the popularity of the search for the video. Jewel Palovak, one of Treadwell’s close friends, has possession of his personal effects and the audio tape of Treadwell’s final moments before his death. Jewel Palovak said she has no plans of releasing the audio tape. Treadwell had bequeathed his belongings to her.

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