Celebrity Hot and Sexy Pictures: What Did Serena Williams Say to line Judge

What Did Serena Williams Say to line Judge

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What Did Serena Williams Say to line Judge: Serena Williams
, the #2 seed, earned a code violation and match penalty late Saturday night to end her U.S. Open run. In a match with unseeded Kim Clijsters, Williams was called for a foot fault violation by the line judge at 10:52 p.m. on her second serve to go match point down.

The cameras show that she shouted something at the official. What did Serena Williams say? One report indicates she said, “I would kill you.” Others are reporting that it was a curse.

As seen in the video footage, the line judge trotted over to the line chair to report the incident. This would be Williams second infraction of the evening–she was previously called for smacking a racket. The decision was made to assess a code violation and a match penalty, giving Kim Clijsters a 6-4, 7-5 victory.

The unseeded Clijsters will go up against #9 seed Caroline Wozniacki on Sunday night for the championship.

View incident video and a post game press conference with Serena Williams below. More Videos

Serena Williams Foot Fault Video

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